Monday, June 18, 2007
the cchs cg
a legacy that will continue on :)
jon,shawn,yishi,xingyi,me,limin my love :D
so i'll stand with arms high and hearts abandoned
in awe of the one who gave it all
so i'll stand my soul lord to you surrendered
all im is yours
I see a happy ending/ 3:13 PM
first frontier has ended, and through this camp, god has spoken to me much more than i ever expected or imagine. i was expecting much, but he gave even more. :) god just never fails to touch when you least and most expect. ahwells, when he speaks, it means i have to obey willingly and wholly, if there even is such a word.
the realness of why im doing what im doing now when everyone else is busy mugging is because his will is so much more important than mine. i do have that feeling of, yeah, i should be out there studying hard now instead because if i do not, my bt2 will seriously head for the valleys. but, when everything becomes clearer as god starts to paint a picture in my heart, you know that its not merely what we are doing now, but what we are doing now that will last for eternity.
i realise, time starts to run out when you suddenly realise the importance of it. it happened when i was in cch, now in sa. 6 weeks is all we have left. i dont even have the time to think about whether i want to do it, because i need to do it, without which, i will have failed my stay in sa, and it will be such a total waste. 6 weeks to leave a legacy. 6 weeks to build up a strong team that will continue on and be like fairfield meth or even bigger.
there's just no time.
I see a happy ending/ 12:51 PM
Thursday, June 07, 2007
finally, after much planning, the cricket girls invitationals 2007 came as planned. :) everything went smoothly, and i must say, it was all thanks to diana. although she was stressed, she was able to ensure there were no problems. oh and, diana was very pretty today :DD with her pretty pretty eyeliner on. the teams from our schools played well! they have really surpassed their own expectations and im so proud of our team! :) everyone really put in their best effort. ohwells, the whole carnival could have gone well, if it was not for something that made me really pissed off. and yeah, although i was happily enjoying the company of the planning comm, this freaking incident changed my entire mood for the day. :( no, at least i enjoyed the deco meeting and my sweet dinner with limin. :D i must say, i love my dear little limin. and reg, yes, i will make the silver plated best friends forever trophy for you on our grads day. come to think about it, its friends like them that god has place in my life that makes life such a joy! thank you dear lord. :)
I see a happy ending/ 2:34 PM
Saturday, June 02, 2007
it was our last official service together today. :( but we didnt really sat together. we sat with our new cg and so, we did not really interact for the so called last time.
well, yes, restructuring after restructuring have left us needing to make changes ever so often. i remember the first time i came to NE, i felt different. yeah, the culture was very different. i didnt really know anybody except like geokhian. but i was glad and is still glad that i was transferred here because i knew what it felt like to be really loved. to be accepted for who you are and to be felt valued. :) east gave me that feeling too, but i guess because im getting older, all the sentimental feelings are building up. i will really miss the cg. chantel's sharings and the cg madness will be memorable as i move on to the new group, and yes, i will bring over whatever i've learnt from yNEE1 to aid in SA's growth. :D hoho.
and, limin and i did info counter duty for the last time during first svc today. it was sad! we took loads of pics which i will upload real SOON! hehheh. we had our last breakfast with yeongdeng. and he was late again! like always right, that goes for alvin too! they are always late when they want to meet us for breakfast. next time, they really have to treat! LOL.
the new cg is up and i really hope we will achieve so much more with this structure. the harvest is plentiful and our cg will be the harvesters who will claim god's promise! :)
I see a happy ending/ 10:53 PM
la femme
ens ; 06S02 ; 12/07/1989 ; SAcg ; paiis ; EJS