Sunday, April 24, 2005
whee. i juz came baac budd i'm stiuu super energized. hahahs. we even wanted tuu go tuu esplanade and plae tiuu we drop. whoots.
wahahars. dher cdc show was a whooping success. yeahh. woodpecker and weiting muz biie super happie and proud. wentu bugis dher burger king and ate. dhen we went shopping along dher main rd. hahahs. i found a pair of slippers i wanted. dhen jo and stead also said nice. budd dhen i wanted tuu see others tuu. sho din buy in dher end. hehehs.
and dhat dumb edwin hu kip on ding-ing wo weneva i sae anything.
and stoopid justin hu kiip on saeing mahh hair ishh bald. hmmphs. hey. muz follow ziyang kaes and appreciate mahh hairstyle. hahhas.
i lurbbe dher dian ti and zhi fei ji in dher performance.woaah. zhi fei ji was realli super touching. i starting tuu lyk paper aeroplanes more. muahahars.
aniwae wen bugis village tuu eat supper. edwin mama came and fetch hiim sho he left. *whee. no one tuu disturb miie. x) we were lyk practicallie strolling coz we din wan tuu go hme. hahhas. ended up eating popiahh in one of dher cafe in bugis village. and also taking pics of ourselves. hehehs. coz no neopwint machines sho late.zhi hao yong own camera lorhhs.
so in dher end. we din go esplanade lah. jo was super tired coz she was out fer lyk ten hrs le. hahahs. so we each go hme lorhhs.
and nw itz tym fer mahh sleeping beauty slp. (:
I see a happy ending/ 3:05 PM
Saturday, April 23, 2005
******- grrr. i dunno wad euu are up tuu. and i dhun waan tuu noe.i stiuu carn get rid of the pic of euu scolding her. yeaah. euu apologised. budd if apologies were sho easily accepted. whuaai duu we niid mediators, peacemakers or even dher police.arghhs. euu tink juz becoz euu sit nxt tuu her euu are gettihng popular. wrong. bleaghhs. euu wiuu nevah biie part of dhem coz euu dhun deserve tuu biie in. gosh. i noe i am slow in reacting towards dhat incident.i thot i cud kiip mahh butts out of dhat matter. budd euu dhun deserve mahh respect.sho nw i wan tuu slam euu. euu.. duhh.
******- firz thing firz. i despise euu are one hypocritical and selfish woman.euu make use of dher pple arnd euu and euu dhun accept everione as whom dhey are. so wad if their results are worse dhen euu.sho wad if dhey dhun act dher wae euu wan dhem tuu. ish dhat wrong. euu are nort sumone hu controls dheir lyfe and sho dhey are free tuu duu wad dhey wan. eu onli care about pple hu are better dhen euu.euu onli wan tuu mix wiiv pple dhat cn help euu. bleahhs. i find euu totallie disgusting and i realli pity dher person beside euu.budd well.wad cn i duu.i juz blame mahhself dhat i carn help euu out of dher black hole euu are in.
*******- well.wad cn i sae bout euu.arrghhs.euu use eur authority lyk nobodies business. euu dhun care about pple's feeling and i cn tell euu dhat praticaaly nobodie in our grp lyks euu.i am lucky. i juz haf tuu ren nii fer two more mths. but i pity mahh fwrends.dhey haf tuu stiuu biie wiiv euu for lyk mani manii more mths.sheesh.dhey realli haf got tuu takkaire of dhemself. hehehs.i dhun wann tuu meddle tuu much intuu eur stuffs and tok tuu much bout euu.coz itz juz wasting mahh tym.let's hope euu wiuu realise eur dumb attitude soon and change. in jesus name.amen.
sheesh. i'm getting sick of dher pple arnd miie. sumtyms. i realli wish i cn juz biie in a onli-mahh-fwrends-wuurld where dhere are lykk no quarrels, no backstabbing, no hypocrites. waadahell. i carn stand dhem and i think i nevah wiuu. haiish. let's hope we nevah see one another again aft dhis yr.becoz if we duu.mahh lyfe wiuu definitely biie more of hell dhen heaven. ):
I see a happy ending/ 11:38 AM
Sunday, April 17, 2005
14 yrs. yea. 14 yrs ish how old mahh sweet lil' church ish. and it wiuu stiuu grow on sho sho sho much more. till 100 dhen 1000 dhen 10000 dhen 10000000. wahh. yesh. dher work dhat god wanns us tuu duu wiuu con't till christ returns.
wentuu cine wiiv van fiona and chiaas. wahahars. maboo supposed tuu go wiiv us wan lorrhhs. dhen she pang-sehe us coz she nidta tok tuu joy.hmmphs.nvr mind.she wiuu go wiiv miie one dae.and take neos wiiv cuute miie. (:
dhen we go take dher neos and it was chaaos inside.we were lykk posing stuupidly. hehehs. and as i had tuu kiip on pressing dher foot shutter. i appeared shorter.rmb.appeared. hehehs. dhen we dher genius of miie decorating dher neos. it came out super nice. wahahars.
dhen fiona had tuu go hme.sho we sent her off and walk arnd smre. i wannted tuu buy dher pinkk ripples slipper dhat wiuu luuk nice on miie wan.but vaan sae nort nice. hmmphs.sho we walk arnd and luuk whether gt any other slippers. in dher end alsho nvr buy. sheesh.
nw slacckin in vaan's hse coz mahh mother dunno go wad dumb yan jiang thingy which i tink ish super super boriin. we lykk lied in bed. used dher com and practicaalie juz slack. itz late nw and mahh motherr betta appear soon coz i wanna slp. z.z.Z.
wadeva. MYE ish lyk cuming in three wks. i have lyk practicallie dher whole txtbk tuu studie for all mahh nine subjs and i haven started. whee. itz sho cool ryte. =x and i gt tuu find out one thing. modesty definitely rawks mre dhen empathy. if euu wan mahh comments. becoz empathhy ish lyk. duh. i guez onli paaiis and qing wiuu understand.
yeaah. sho i thank god for xinyan von juan and qing in mahh lyfe. x)
I see a happy ending/ 1:24 PM
Monday, April 11, 2005
da da da da. da da da da. da da da da da da da da da da.da da da da.da da da da.da da da da da da da da da da. (sing according tuu dher wedding tune kaes.)
i was sho darn excited. dher wedding bells were ringing. it was almost dher tym i had waited for. for i dunno how manii yrs. dher tym wen i cud publicly proclaim dhat i lurffe hiim more den anione else and dher tym wen i cud realli get tuu touch him up close, feeling him juz right beside miie.
i started walking up dher aisle. (okae. maebe dher water.) i saw people smiling and cheering for miie. i knew dhey were happie for miie.i luuk at him excitedly. upon reaching dhat pl. (tho dhey waves were realli strong) i felt a sense of security. i felt hiim right beside miie.
Pastor(joy): Ms Teng Hsiao En. Are you willing to accept Mr Christ Jesus as your husband. and to go thru wiiv him no matter in tyms of haapiness sickness poor or rich. to follow him and to trust him all dher rez of eur lyfe.
Hsiaoen: Yes. I do.
okae. dher rez aft dhat was bluured burt i knew from dhen on dhat mahh lyke was changed.
omg. it stiuu seems unbelievable. but well. it was true. and i can stiuu rmb wad joy said tuu miie in dher water. yes. god ish dher father dher son and dher holy spirit. i take jesus as mahh personal lord and saviour and i am willing tuu follow him till dher end of mahh daes.
tenth of april ishh mahh speciaal dae and i wiuu rmb it fher dher rez of maah lyfe. x)) thank you god.
I see a happy ending/ 12:35 PM
Thursday, April 07, 2005
It's over. and i'm glad, happie, proud and sad.
kaes. we gort GOLD. GOLD kaes. whee. owels. i've thod mahhself nort tuu be discouraaged and sad tuu often lest pimples and wrinkles cum out. (wow.i'm exaggerating.) so tho we din get GOLD wiiv HONOURS. but hey choir, we did our bez and dhat's whad realli matters. x))
3 cheers tu mr lai.
3 cheers tu choir.
3 cheers tuu miie. wahahars.
yup. realli realised choir has grown sho much sho much more thru dhis period of SYF. we bonded and we lurved one another.
CCHMS choir stiuu has lots more tuu strive on for. but as of tudae, i'm proud of it's achievements. owels. i haf tuu sae dhiis.
i lurffe mahh choir. <3 esp wen dhere's jo, stead and qf tuu pei miie thru it. :))))
I see a happy ending/ 9:11 AM
Saturday, April 02, 2005
arrgh. talenttime was way coolness. wahahars.
Mr Tan and the 'o' level music grp did a super duper wonderfuul kob man. *clapclap.
and hors. xiaoxuan sang darn nice sweet and powerfuul. x))
hahahs.choir dhis yr realli gort intuu dher long hu bang. hahahs.wiiv xuaniie zhijun anthea celine meimei xiumin and so manii others showing off choir's talent. i carn help but sae..see choir can pei chu ren cai lyk miie. hehehs.
whoohoos. realli super fun nyte. except dhat i reach home super late and juz plopped onto mahh bed and slp.
whoops. take it dhat i did nort sae dhat. =x
I see a happy ending/ 12:59 PM
la femme
ens ; 06S02 ; 12/07/1989 ; SAcg ; paiis ; EJS