Sunday, January 30, 2005
okii. seems lykk all mahh paz entries are gone.
hahahs. i seem tuu biie in a bad nood dis few daes. pms? i dunno mahhself.
dis nuu skiin luuks kewl huh.lols.spent a
loooong tym figuring it out.
pooh. *wipes sweat* and finallie itz done.
tiink mahh klaz decor ish damm kewl.hahahs.wif pple lykk tracy wanleng and weitiing decorating. i kan tell yuu our klaz ishh gona biie der bez.yes.der bez.nort second nor third.burt der bez.hahahs.
empathy rawks man. =D
I see a happy ending/ 3:20 PM
Monday, January 24, 2005
hahah. found a totally pinkk blog. (:
burd der entries part is totally stoopid kae. i'm lyk stiuu figuring out how tu put awae der farniie wurds.
wishh miie luck while i go and fix it.
*scratches head and sigh*
I see a happy ending/ 9:01 AM
Sunday, January 09, 2005
staand siing waalk staand siing waalk.daats waad i haaf been duiin ferr almoz haalf a daae annd miind yuu..if yuu duun get
sianded by it.i do.
duuh.if ur stoopid braains tiink daat ouur legs are made of steel denn tiink agaiin.caarn yuu see derr meaat andd faats on eaach onne of ouur legs.
carrn yuu puut ursellf in ouur shooes siince yuu shho lykk beiin onne of us.carn yuu see daat all of us arre tiired annd sickk of siingiing it all overr agaiin thho we noe itz norrt perfect.
cum on la.even robots niid rest okae.
haa.burd i duun even tiink u noe daat i'm tokiing abouut yuu.nidless saae evenn understaand it wif daat
toooot braiin of urs.blearghx.just go shuut ursellf up iin daat stoopid cacoon of urs annd vaniish from mahh sighht if yuu ever caan.burd agaiin yuu duun understannd.
I see a happy ending/ 3:23 PM
Friday, January 07, 2005
i dunn reaali lykk all of mahh teaachers
englishh - mrs hsu boon wahh [hod]
chinese - yang mehh mehh
emaathhs - mrs yeo toh laay hoon
amaaths - mr kwek weii hong
biiology - mdm hasnii or ms laam [hod]
chemiistry - mrs kee-kong
physiics - mrs cheng laay eng [hod]
egeog - mrs ho soo choo
sociaal studiies - ms charmaine gaan
now yuu noe why. =x
I see a happy ending/ 2:35 PM
Sunday, January 02, 2005
_nuu yeaar_
_nuu staart_
_nuu term_
yeaahs.feel more relieved nw after reflectinng annd shaaring wif derr rez of derr cg abouut annd downns we've gonne thruu togethher.wad's imporrtannt nw ishh tuu channge anuu annd get reaadie tuu
cheeonng ferr god amen?lols.
happie nuu yeaar tuu onne annd all.
annd tuu those i dinn sms tuu- maae dis yeaar 2005 biie filled wiif lurrve annd laaufter.forgedd derr paast annd treaasure derr presennt yeahhs.
oh yeaah.decidedd norrt tuu puut up mahh nuu yeaar resoluutions as deyy are perrsonaal.lols.yuup.
rili wanna thaank god daat i am in singaapore.yeaah.seeing how derr tsunami wreaak de othher haalf of asiaa has reminnded miie tuu treaasure mahh lurrvedd ones evenn morre.derr destroyyed attractionns, derr wreckked houses, derr lost villaages arre waad derr disaaster hass broughht upon annd i am truly graateful daat it did nort happenn rite here in singaapore.seeing peeple searchinng ferr missing lurvve onnes in derr mess .watchinng one whhom yuu haaf broughht up ferr yeaars tuu be washhed awaae rite in fronnt of ur eyes is saddennin enuff.wad more tuu noe daat out of sho sho maani missing or deaad arre innocennt childrenn hu jushh wannted tuu spennt an enjoyaable overseaas trip wiif deiir famillie.
haiis.yeahh god.i'm gonna treasuure everione i noe.heyy pple.if u dunchh think i lurrve yuu,let miie tell yuu dis denn.
i lurrve yuu.
I see a happy ending/ 3:55 PM
la femme
ens ; 06S02 ; 12/07/1989 ; SAcg ; paiis ; EJS