Saturday, December 25, 2004
`joy tuu der wrrld
`jinggle bells.jinggle bells
`we wishh yuu a merrii chriistmas
lols.those were derr sonngs daat we saang ferr carolling jussh waas grreat lorhhs.derr peeple huu inviited us iintu deiir hse were all veh enthhu..lols.dey were alsho vehh giivin lehhs.lols.thank god ferr derr peeple annd thankk god ferr bc 2.lols.a faarn annd lurvving grp.yup. iin lingaliing's hse nw.lols.sho laate buud miie no muud tuu sho glaad by derr no of peeple huu attennded svc annd derr no of converrts.yeaah.itz definiitely god wurrkin thruu everii siingle onne of us duriin diis tym of chriistmas haarvest.yeahh.thankk god ferr all of yuu yeaah.
annd yup.thannk god ferr derr 60 peeple huu caame thruu eaast b annd derr 20 connverrts whho decidded tuu puut deiir life intuu derr hannds of ouur moz trustedd saaviiour.yup.cuum on peeple..let's duu ouur bez in investin iin liives daat maatter tuu gog yeaah.
thankk god ferr yuu!.
I see a happy ending/ 7:42 PM
Friday, December 24, 2004
svc waas absoluuteely greaaaat.whooohoo.
praaise god.hahah.we haad tuu chungcheng converrts.yeaah.
tok wif nanaa juz nw.hahah.thaank god ferr a sheep lykk her hu haas been suppoortiive thruu ouut.lols.yup.
praaeing ferr tommorow's svc tuu be an evenn greaater blaast.yeah.lols.
I see a happy ending/ 4:10 PM
Saturday, December 11, 2004
baac fruum chaalet. yeahh.
`i wanna focuus onn God.
`i dun wanna procraastinate annimore.
`i wanna kipp derr pionneerinng spirit.
`i wanna go biieyonnd mahh limiits.
oh yeahh.byy derr waae.
Noah's arkk raawk.
I see a happy ending/ 2:38 PM
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
tiredd ouut
stiil gorrt eaast chaalet.
-blannks out-
I see a happy ending/ 6:04 AM
Sunday, December 05, 2004
You want a sweet guy. Who'ld take you anywhere.
Like Japan!!! Wow I would like a guy like that
too:) Also he looks so cute in japanese
Who's Perfect For You??? (Cute Anime Pics)
brought to you by
I see a happy ending/ 3:59 PM
god sennt his sonn
deyy called him jesuus
hiie caame tuu lurve heaal annd forgif
hiie gaave his life tuu buuy mahh paardon
an emmpty graave ishh dere tuu provve mahh saaviouur lives
annd becaause hiie liives
ii kaan faace tommorow
becaause hiie liives
all feaar ishh gonne
becaause ii nooe ii nooe hiie holdds derr fuuturre
annd life ishh worrth derr liiving jushh becaause hiie liives
yeaa..hahah..realli leaarnt sumthiin frm dis conferennce..`thho itz jushh onne teaaching..burt..hahah..i wanaa biie a wrld chaanger..sho yupp..gonaa apply waad i leaarnt..hahah.
I see a happy ending/ 3:12 AM
Friday, December 03, 2004
am baac from hongkong
ennjoyed it fuuly...
I see a happy ending/ 3:40 PM
la femme
ens ; 06S02 ; 12/07/1989 ; SAcg ; paiis ; EJS